Find Ways to Heal Your Life  ❧

Individual Conscious Compassion

❧  honor and hold sacred space in loving awareness,
❧  guide calming breathing exercises,
❧  identify client wishes,
❧  listen to feelings about death,
❧  advocate wishes with care team,
❧  identify and help complete unfinished tasks,
❧  work through anxieties towards healing dignity,
❧  assist with Advanced Health Care Directive,
❧  enjoy peace and serenity,
❧  plan and sit vigil,
❧  legacy work honoring memories, values and beliefs.

Families, Dear Ones, Caregivers Conscious Compassion

❧  honor and hold sacred space in loving awareness,
❧  identify and helping with support tasks,
❧  working through fears and worries towards healing dignity,
❧  cultivate honest and healthy communication,
❧  provide respite care,
❧  provide support network resources,
❧  participate with care team to coordinate care,
❧  continuum grief bereavement care,
❧ legacy work honoring memories, values and beliefs.

Community Conscious Compassion

❧  cultivate healthy public conscious communication about:
❧  end of life transitions, death, and bereavement,
❧  conduct engaging and interactive workshops,
❧  write or edit newsletter publications,
❧  write or edit workbook publications,
❧  connect community resources,
❧  for organizations, social groups, agencies, any group,
❧  legacy work honoring memories, values, and beliefs.


Accompany individuals, families, caregivers, and communities to honor healing and dignity while living, dying, and in death.


Dignity Compassion Respect Integrity

Healing Dignity

Mary McLaughlin, Owner

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© Healing Dignity